The only constant in this world is the force Discordians refer to as Pure Chaos. This is a force of neverending upheaval, which can be interpreted through various ideological grids which are all equally inaccurate. Taoists try to live in harmony with a force they call the Tao, an unknowable, indescribable pattern all of existence follows. High seas piracy has gone on for thousands of years. Free jazz is a subgenre of jazz music which subverts the conventions of jazz music in an anarchic fashion. One form of nihilism posits that there is no inherent meaning in the universe. Zen Buddhists attempt to return to an original, non-socialized form of consciousness. Practitioners of Chaos Magick often work with Kia, a supernatural chaos permeating all things. Dada is a form of expression free of artistic intelligibility. Individualists often define anarchy as a life lived on one's own terms.